Teacher Skills Forum 2019
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor [clear filter]
Friday, March 8

9:30am EET

04- كيفية استخدام الدراما كوسيلة مؤثرة في تعزيز القيم والسلوك الإيجابي
معرفة نظرية حول مفهوم الدراما في التربية والتعليم وتطبيقات عملية للمشاركين في عناصر الدراما ولعب الادوار والارتجال والتأطير والصور المسرحية والإيماء والحركة الإبداعية . والتي من خلالها تحقق اغراض تعليمية بطريقة ممتعة ومفيدة وتعزز قيم الحوار والعمل الجماعي ونبذ العنف واحترام الاختلاف والمواطنة ومهارات التفكير الناقد وحل المشكلات .

مع نهاية هذا اليوم سيتمكن المشاركون من التعرف على مفهوم الدراما في التعليم و ربطها بالمنهاج ، اكتساب مهارات فنية ممتعة في التواصل مع الطلبة ، تطبيق أنشطة وتمارين في الدراما الابداعية مع الطلبة.

avatar for Lina Al Tal - لينا التل

Lina Al Tal - لينا التل

Founder and Director - مدير عام, National Center for Culture and Arts of the King Hussein Foundation - المركز الوطني للثقافة والفنون في مؤسسة الملك الحسين
Lina Tal, Director General of the National Center for Culture and Arts of the King Hussein Foundation 1987, Director of the International Arab Youth Congress since 1993.Lina holds a Master’s degree in Theatre Arts from University of Wales, UK.She pioneered in introducing drama to... Read More →

Agenda png

Friday March 8, 2019 9:30am - 5:30pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor
Saturday, March 9

10:30am EET

Fake News in the Modern Classroom
The term "Fake news" has exploded onto the public consciousness over the past two years, and has been used both to discredit the truth and to call out falsehoods, often making us question everything we know as a society. As education becomes increasingly more reliant on the internet, students are especially vulnerable to bad information. How, then, can we help our students navigate the often-dangerous seas of misinformation that form part of their journey towards becoming lifelong learners? This session looks at strategies gleaned from case studies and classroom practices that can be applied across various educational programmes in order to help students develop skills to tackle information literacy, particularly when it comes to identifying fake news and misinformation on the internet.

The Goals:
- familiarise teachers with the differences between fake news, propaganda, pseudoscience, and conspiracy theories, and their impacts on young learners, education and society,
- familiarise teachers with common misconceptions about reliability of information, and types of bias that both students and teachers apply when finding information,
- help teachers develop practical strategies for teaching skepticism, critical thinking, and information literacy, in a scalable manner suitable for students across middle and high school.

avatar for Yousef Shuwayhat

Yousef Shuwayhat

Deputy Head of Middle School - Wellbeing and Administration (Grades 9 and 10), Amman Baccalaureate School
Yousef Shuwayhat is the Deputy Head of Middle School, in charge of student Wellbeing and Administration at the Amman Baccalaureate School, Jordan. A life-long skeptic, classically-trained Shakespearean actor, sometime stand-up comedian and educator, he has taught MYP for over a decade... Read More →

Saturday March 9, 2019 10:30am - 12:00pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

12:30pm EET

Pilot a History lesson: “What made Baghdad so remarkable"?
Participants will go back to school and pilot a lesson titled “What made Baghdad so remarkable 764- 1258CE?” I developed this teaching material as part of the Learning About (Y) our Past project organized by Euroclio, the European Association of History Teachers https://euroclio.eu/projects/learningabout-your-past/ . The learning activities developed as part of this project focus on learning about identity and diversity, positive intercultural encounters and addressing emotive and controversial issues in history education. The learning activities developed for this lesson also highlight the importance of bringing the History of the Arab/Islamic world into the center of our History classroom and out of the margins so students in the region can have a more developed and nuancedunderstanding of their past.

The learning activity could be used in Grades 9-12. They were developed with the IB in mind and can be easilyadapted for use in an IB classroom both for MYP and DP

The Goals :
- To discuss the importance of teaching Arab/Islamic History in IB classrooms
- To share and pilot History teaching materials
- To gain feedback on History teaching materials


Kariman Mango

DP Individuals and Societies Coordinator, The Ahliyyah School for Girls & Bishop's School for Boys
Kariman is the Individual and Societies coordinator at the Ahliyyah School for Girls, she hasbeen teaching for 20 years and is passionate about the importance ofHistory education and it's role in developing informed citizens and critical thinkers.

Saturday March 9, 2019 12:30pm - 2:00pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

3:00pm EET

Active Learning in the Early Years
When a child begins school, his early learning experiences should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure. They should support children’s development and learning needs. This presentation addresses how you can meet children’s needs in developmentally appropriate ways and utilize active learning to help them reach their full academic potential

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
- Have an understanding of how to appropriately engage children to their full potential in the Early Years.
- lead several activities in different areas of the curriculum
- Use teaching strategies to encourage open-ended questions.
- Combine activities effectively


Anna Baldwin

KG2 Grade Leader, The International Academy-Amman
PG Dip Primary Teaching, Masters Intl Dev, New Zealand and have worked in Early years for 5 years. I am the KG2 Grade Leader at IAA here in Jordan.

Anna Burgess

Early Years Leader, International Academy - Amman
Early Years Leader in the IAA International School. Bachelor of Education in Math and Early Childhood Education from Liverpool Hope University, UK in 1999. Taught in schools in UK, Norway, China and Jordan working as a Teacher, Grade Leader and a member of various committees. Currently... Read More →

Saturday March 9, 2019 3:00pm - 4:30pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

4:30pm EET

Mind Matters
This session explores teaching strategies which target different parts of the brain and aims to present an innovative framework of teaching through effective classroom practices
- To present the latest research on the function of the different parts of the learner’s brain.
- To bridge the gap between research and practice to help adapt, organize and contextualize neuroscience and cognitive science principles to practical lesson planning and pedagogical practice.
- To discuss some of the teaching practices and to improve student comprehension through the creation of a physical and emotional environment that facilitates mastery of content, concepts and optimizes the use of individual skills.


Mira Abumaizar

Head of MYS Sciences, Amman Baccalaureate School
Teacher for 9 years in both the MYP and DP programs of the International Baccalaureate. Head of MYS Science in the Amman Baccalaureate School, a flagship IB school in Amman, Jordan. In addition, I also hold an IB authoring and examing role with the IBO.

Saturday March 9, 2019 4:30pm - 6:00pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor
Sunday, March 10

9:30am EET

منصة إدراك للتعلم المدرسي- دور المعلم في تحسين العملية التعليمية من خلال تكنولوجيا التعليم
التعريف بمنصة ادراك للتعلم المستمر: منصة إلكترونية عربية مفتوحة للجميع، تهدف إلى توفير مساقات تعليمية عالية الجودة يقوم على تطوير محتوياتها نخب من خبراء وأكاديمي العالم العربي والعالم، بالإضافة إلى تقديم بعض المساقات العالمية المترجمة للغة العربية
التعريف بمنصة ادراك للتعلم المدرسي : توفر "إدراك للتعلم المدرسي" للطلبة محتوى شّيق وخصائص تكنولوجيّة متعددة ليحصل الطالب على تجرية تعليمية ممتعة اما للمعلم فتدعم المنصة المعلمين في تصميم تجارب تعلمية تفاعلية ومتطوّرة لبناء أجيال المستقبل
مع نهاية هذه الورشة سيتمكن المشاركون من
استخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم في الغرف الصفيّة
إنشاء حساب خاص على منصة إدراك وتوضيح كيفية الالتحاق في المساقات المطروحة
إنشاء الصفوف االفتراضية وتوضيح كيفية دعمها لإستراتيجيات التعليم المختلفة وتوفير فرص تعلم شيقة وممتعة مما يدعم الوصول للأهداف المرجوة 


إيمان زعبلاوي

مسؤولة التسويق, شركة إدراك للتدريب والتنمية المجتمعيّة

هالة داوود

مسؤولة تطوير برنامج إدراك للتعلم المدرسي, شركة إدراك للتدريب والتنمية المجتمعيّة
تتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 15... Read More →

Sunday March 10, 2019 9:30am - 11:00am EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

11:30am EET

كيف أستخدم وأعلم برمجية سكراتش؟
نظرا لأن برمجية  سكراتش هي جزء من منهاج وزارة التربية والتعليم في الاردن لمادة الحاسوب, فأن هذه الفعالية ستتضمن شرحا عن افضل الطرق لتدريس برمجية  سكراتش  للطلاب من خلال تصميم لعبة بسيطة وبرمجتها ومن ثم نشرها على الانترنت

مع نهاية هذه الورشة سيتمكن المشاركون من
التعرف على ادوات وبيئة برمجية سكراتش
تصميم وبرمجة لعبة متاهة بسيطة باستخدام  سكراتش
تشغيل اللعبة ونشرها على الانترنت


رهام الصالح

ICT Curriculum Coordinator, الأكاديمية الدولية - عمان
Reham Al-Saleh has a Master degree in Computer and Information Systems from Yarmouk University.She worked as a lecturer in Computer Science 101 courses in Yarmouk University.She has also been working as Coding teacher and the ICT curriculum Coordinator at the International Academy-Amman... Read More →

Sunday March 10, 2019 11:30am - 1:00pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

3:00pm EET

From imagination to "virtual" reality, integrating technologies..enhancing agency
Participants will explore the integration of technology in teaching and learning to promote student centered learning environment and enhance students’ agency over learning. The workshop will include; VR&AR technologies, creative gadgets and online formative assessment tools.

The Goals:
- Incorporating different technologies into lessons to give students the option of taking in information through a new, more hands-on, lens.
- Increasing students' engagement and active participation which leads to more effective teaching and learning
- Improving knowledge retention for learners by allowing them to personally experience what they learn



Educational technologies specialist, The Ahliyyah School for Girls & Bishop's School for Boys
Rania Hammoudeh is an educational technologies specialist at Ahliyyah School for Girls and Bishop's School for Boys working as administrative officer of the learning management platform and other school’s platforms and an internal verifier for BTEC in IT which is part of the school’s... Read More →

Nour Jallad

Technology officer, The Ahliyyah School for Girls & Bishop's School for Boys
Nour Jallad is a technology officer at Ahliyyah School for Girls and Bishop'sSchool for Boys, working on integrating technologies in the educational process in hopes of creating a rich environment for students and staff to help break out of the conventional methods of studentteachern... Read More →

Sunday March 10, 2019 3:00pm - 4:30pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

4:30pm EET

عقلٌ يقظ... لتعلّم أفضل
تُشير الدراسات إلى أن تَمثّل العقل اليقظ الذي يولي الاهتمام باللحظة الراهنة عن قصد وبدون حكم يجعل الأفراد يحصدون العديد من الفوائد مثل تقليل التوتر والقلق بالإضافة إلى دفع الإنجازات الأكاديمية والمهنية، فالعقل اليقظ يُعدّ ترياقًا للضغط الناجم عن المهام المختلفة، ومن يمتلكه يُظهر فاعلية أكبر في أداء دوره قائدًا أومعلمًا أوطالبًا. لذا تدمج هذه الورشة المشاركين في مجموعة من الأنشطة التفاعلية التي تعزّز ممارسات العقل اليقظ في المدرسة بوجه عام والغرفة الصفية على وجه الخصوص

سيتمكن المشاركون بعد الانتهاء من هذه الورشة التدريبية من
تعرّف أهمية تمثّل العقل اليقظ
تطبيق أنشطة تمثّل العقل اليقظ
توضيح ممارسات القيادة لتمثّل العقل اليقظ في المدرسة


إيمان محمود الزغول

أخصائي تدريب في القيادة التعليمية, أكاديمية الملكة رانيا لتدريب المعلمين

Sunday March 10, 2019 4:30pm - 6:00pm EET
Mount Nebo 2 - Sea Floor

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